If you prefer to vape by inhaling from the mouth to the lungs, there's no way that you're not familiar with Aspire. In fact, there's a good chance that you have some experience with the famed Nautilus tank; it's probably the most famous mouth-to-lung vaping tank ever made. The new Aspire K3 tank takes the technology of the Nautilus tank and brings it forward into the modern age. You'll love the extremely pure flavour that you get from this tank's vertical coil and organic cotton wick. With the tank's twisting bottom airflow collar, it's easy to dial in your preferred airflow resistance and get your perfect vape every time.
K3 coils can be found here Nautilus BVC Coil
Superb Materials
The beauty of the Aspire K3 tank isn't just in the coil; it's also in the construction of the tank itself. With its stainless steel hardware and borosilicate glass exterior, you're not just getting a tank that delivers incredibly pure flavour; you're also getting a tank that's capable of taking a few bumps and bruises without breaking a sweat. This is also a tank that looks spectacular on just about any small vape pen -- but you won't pay a lot for the privilege. Both the tank and its replacement coils are extremely affordable compared to the prices that you'll pay for most other modern vape tanks.